#SocialMediaYVR | A Panel On All Things Social Media

By BrainStation May 9, 2016

Last Thursday, BrainStation Vancouver rallied some of Vancouver’s top social media gurus to discuss the current state of the industry. Read on to find out what we learned from minds behind Hootsuite, Quietly, MEC, Vega, and the Canucks at this panel discussion. 

Here are ten of our favourite tips to rock your own #SocialMediaGame.


Tip #1: Know where people are talking about you. 

Find out where your audience is and what platforms they use.

“Know your audience and know which channels they use. That’s where you’ll have to be.” Candice, Hootsuite


Tip #2: Have a goal.

Decide what message you want to give off with each platform.

“What do you want to do with each channel? Put the time into each one and make it work for you” – David, Canucks

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Tip #3: Provide good content.

Simply posting anything and everything won’t make people want to follow you. Know what your audience likes and give them something they want to read or watch. 

“The problem is never finding enough content, it’s wading through the content you have and finding what’s going to work best for you” – Candice, Hootsuite


Tip #4: Know your culture.

There are countless stories behind the way your company operates and what inspires you to do the work that you do. Share this passion with your community. 

“Use your company culture – the people who live and breathe what you do.  Give them the time and space to be creative and think of new ideas” Trevor, Vega

Tip #5: Share something unique. 

Send out something of value to your community and make it something they can’t get anywhere else. People should be looking forward to the content you post.

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Tip #6: Speaking of Community… 

Figure out what your brand story is and create the stories for your employees and advocates and ambassadors to share. 

“Empower the hell out of your community!” Candice, Hootsuite

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Tip #7: Leverage the Algorithms. 

The new FaceBook algorithm doesn’t want you to leave the platform … ever. Create Facebook-specific content. Videos are where you should look right now, don’t miss out!

“And remember, don’t chase an algorithm… you’ll never catch it!” Sean, Quietly


Tip #8: Make Your Entire Company Part of Your Social Media. 

Make sure social isn’t just a department in your company, make it part of your whole organization because you know you business better than anyone.

P.S. It’s been confirmed, Snapchat is the next big thing.  Follow us at BrainStationYVR and BrainStationTO.